What's good everybody? I'm gonna keep it simple and just speak my mind.
It's the Year of the Dragon and my drive has been low from irl problems I've been dealing with, which is why not much had been done. It's not fun when your passion can't keep up with your ideas so the beast hadn't been able to be unleashed. Hopefully this year I can at least try something out of it to get my motivation out of the way. I hope I can do something about it.
There's a bunch of stuff I want to do and other things I'd like to experiment, to act despite planning. Moving forward, I'm going to start sharing more things I like rather than the usual here and share other things I'm passionate about drawing.
Besides that, there's like few fnf mods I'm invested in, and I'm like getting ready to get the YT poll music out of the way, and writing some stuff. My other stuff in the backburner includes the Sonic.EXE reimagining I've been on and off about, making sure whatever the hell I was smoking in 2014 gets realized differently.
If you're willing to take the ride, be my guest. I'm hoping to see it through, but I'm not sure if my ideals will be realized. I'm going for it regardless.